Florida Digital Marketing Programs

Keren Dinkin

Written by Keren Dinkin

Senior Technical Writer & Content Strategist

Updated & Fact Checked: 09.16.2024

Florida is known by many accreditation bodies as the number one most symbolic states when it comes to education. Attributed to known schools such as Florida International University, Florida State University, and the University Of Miami, it is a state many often forget. Without a doubt, there is no denying that the state heralds a rather immense economic structure, a wide-spanning population, and an educational structure that has been named among the top in the nation. The population, as of the last Census, was 21 million individuals and the GDP topped at $1 trillion, making it a landmark location for migration. As Silicon Valley, Colorado, and New York migrate to the Central Florida region, it is no surprise that there will be a need for digital marketing experts.

Digital marketing education and professional development have become mechanisms that sustain Florida’s position as a hub for innovation and growth, and the demand for digital marketers is growing at a rapid rate. Furthermore, as technology evolves and typical consumer behavior modifies in the heart of cities such as Miami (where two-thirds of the population is of black or Hispanic descent), there is a requisite for expertise in this growing field. Florida’s digital marketing education landscape is not only diverse, but also known on a national level. The state offers multifaceted digital marketing endeavors that include advanced programs throughout a number of well-known colleges and universities. This includes UF, FSU, UM, and FIU, as well as the quickly-developing FAU.

These programs focus on key aspects such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and this is just the start. Institutions also consist of professional development groups and organizations, including the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) and the American Marketing Association (AMA), which offer numerous workshops, seminars, and certification platforms meant to facilitate digital marketers at any stage of their careers. The landscape of digital marketing education in Florida is not only growing at a rapid pace but is also gaining momentum due to its vibrant economic nature and cultural diversity. This article has a purpose: to delve deep into the realm of digital marketing education in the state, as well as relatively similar programs that provide professional development and other opportunities that set the stage for the present and future of the state of Florida.

Digital Marketing Degrees In Florida

From the shores of Miami to the groves of the ever-growing Orlando and Tampa, there are a myriad of degree programs available for aspiring students of all ages and all cultural backgrounds. The programs emphasized in Florida have been adapted by not only the institutions themselves, but also by the sheer number of digital marketing professionals and experts that encompass the state. Those seeking a degree in digital marketing in Florida are at a strong advantage here, where a state built on the backbone of entrepreneurship provides educational programs throughout a number of universities. One of the key factors that sets the state apart is its ever-growing business environment. Case in point, since the early 20th century, Florida has been coined a hub of innovation. Think of Miami Beach, Disney World, and the Florida Keys.

Through the foundation of tourism, the state has since grown in areas such as real estate (based on its naturally-pleasant environment and affordable property taxation), international trade (based on the famous Port Of Miami and Port Everglades, which have amassed a strong trade economy), and yes, entrepreneurship. Florida has long been known to foster a range of innovative industries that have facilitated its economic success. These aspects have fueled Florida’s capability to offer expertise from those who have been involved in its growth over the past several decades, and with their experience, Florida’s universities are well positioned for success in the digital marketing arena. With over 45,000 individuals working in the marketing industry and an average annual salary of $60,000, both Bachelor’s and Graduate degrees are offered by over 11 schools, and a countless number of professional training programs.

Let us dive further down the rabbit hole and discuss these institutions further.

Florida Bachelors Degrees In Digital Marketing

Florida offers a robust structure of Bachelors programs for both students and professionals.

Bachelors in Marketing

Tuition: $5,656

Program Overview:
At Florida State University, students can pursue a degree in marketing via a variety of coursework that is formulated to equip them with the necessary skills to thrive in the digital marketing troposphere. FSU offers a Marketing Bachelor’s program with courses including communications, technology, and an overall holistic review of digital marketing strategies and procedures. Furthermore, FSU places a valuable emphasis on learning through an experiential methodology. In other words, students are exposed to theory and real-world applications. This is achieved through shadowing, internships, and hands-on work.

One thing that stands out about FSU’s Marketing program is its thorough emphasis on analytics, research, consumer behavior, and, more importantly, ethics. In fact, FSU is one of the only known Florida-based universities that places a specific emphasis on the ethical barriers of marketing, both digital and traditional. In addition to this, FSU possesses a faculty of well-rounded executives and industry professionals who provision and design the curriculum, thus emphasizing more than just knowledge; they apply it with real-world application.

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B.B.A in Marketing

Tuition: $60,720

Program Overview:
University of Miami has become a known university due to its stellar reputation of a rather poignant, albeit fascinating football experience, but behind the nuance is a reputable Digital Marketing curriculum that places a strong focus on the latest advancements in the industry. UM stands out through a customized and constantly-evolving program, with students focusing less on the actual concepts of Digital Marketing and instead, putting them into a scenario where they are focused on career goals. In other words, UM sets a standard for preparing their students for the future. This does not mean the school fails to deliver a standard curriculum. Of course, they cover everything from social media marketing to digital advertising, e-commerce, and so much more. They are also a known research-oriented university, heralding over 50 hands-on platforms that put their Digital Marketing Bachelor’s students to the test.

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Bachelor’s in Digital Marketing

Tuition: $6,381

Program Overview:
The University of Florida’s Digital Marketing program is far too underrated. In recent years, they have struggled with budget constraints, but as COVID lifted, they took a rather daring approach that rewarded them an honorary grant from the “Best Degrees Institution,” and a nomination as the top-rated Digital Marketing program under this degree. UF’s Digital Marketing program is like all others, focusing the Bachelor’s years on the basics: digital strategy, analytics, and content creation, among many other aspects. However, they are set apart by incorporating a unique methodology: they draw in other curriculums, ranging from MBA-level specialized courses to psychology, emphasizing a value on consumer behavior, which is a necessity in Digital Marketing. Lastly, they provide an emphasis on entrepreneurship, facilitating a strong network of alumni who provide valuable insight. With a 20:1 student-to-teacher ratio, they have an immense focus on mentorship, job placement, and a transition from school to the workplace.

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B.B.A in Marketing

Program Overview:
Florida International University stands a test of time. Though on the Undergraduate level, the focus seems to stem from a standard marketing program, but despite this, they have a purpose for this: to prepare their undergraduate students in a more business-oriented curriculum so that they can proceed to an affluent Graduate program. FIU has an experiential learning environment, and has been voted one of the top-rated student life programs. They place a 50/50 ratio on the Undergraduate level between academia and sociality, utilizing a technique most schools seem to neglect: the power of student organizations. In turn, their core curriculum is based more on standard business and marketing procedures, but they do so to advance their students into Graduate programs, where their Digital Marketing programs truly shine.

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Florida Masters Degrees In Digital Marketing

Florida offers many graduate level programs in digital marketing that prepare students for both theory and practice in the ever changing world of digital media.

Masters in Mass Communication with a Digital Strategy Concentration

Tuition: $12,740 per year

Program Overview:
UF’s concentration in digital strategy provides students with an up to date and relevant curriculum aligned with today’s best practices for effective digital marketing. From multi-channel approaches, to funnel creation for lead generation or e-commerce sales, the master’s degree program covers the foundations needed to be a successful digital marketer. The program also blends both the creative and analytical aspects of digital marketing, and allows students a hands-on approach to creating their own digital marketing strategies and campaigns that provide a real-world experience.

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Master of Arts in Digital Media

Tuition: $369.65 per credit hour

Program Overview:
UCF’s Master or Arts in Digital Media combines both a theoretical and hands-on approach to students in an effort to produce strategics and actionable digital media leaders. With a first year focused on theory, students understand the why’s behind digital media, and how it can be used by organizations to enact consumer behaviors. The second year of the program provides students with real-world experience through relationships with private organizations in Orlando, including many top digital marketing agencies.

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Master of Digital Marketing

Modality: 100% Online Program

Tuition: $5,440

Program Overview:
The Continental University of Florida is a new university located in the state of Florida with a large international influence in it’s courses and instruction. Most of the university’s leadership comes from across the world, and this factor influences the type of courses they teach and the students that attend. The program itself has a primary focus on creating campaigns that speak directly to today’s digital consumers.

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M.S. in Digital Marketing

Modality: Online

Tuition: $1,089/credit hour

Program Overview:
NSU’s M.S. in Digital Marketing combines a sustainable focus with data and storytelling backed digital marketing strategies. The program touches on all the core traffic channels, including social media, SEO, display, and search, to provide students with a well-rounded approach to driving visibility towards services or products. The program is also fully online, allowing students outside of the south Florida area access to the degree program.

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Florida Digital Marketing Courses and Certifications

Florida students looking to upskill and expand upon their existing digital marketing knowledge can find a collection of courses and certificate programs in the state. Some certificate programs are offered by traditional universities, while others are offered by private companies, but either option should provide students with both a broad understanding of digital marketing and an opportunity to specialize in a digital marketing focus of choice.

Digital Marketing Certificate

Modality: In-Person

Tuition: $4,995

Program Overview:
The digital marketing certificate at the University of South Florida is one of the only in-person options available to students. The program consists of a four-day immersion program, designed to provide a hands-on and real world experiential experience for students. The projects are real-world, and aim to challenge students to provide digital solutions to marketing challenges that actual companies run into.

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Certificate in Digital Marketing

Modality: Online

Tuition: $1,795

Program Overview:
FAU’s Digital Marketing Certificate focuses on simplifying digital marketing, by first focusing on the consumer. Once a consumer is defined, then an effective digital communication strategy can be established. This type of consumer focused approach helps to simplify the creation of digital marketing campaigns, and can help students get a strategic feel for digital marketing to allow them to feel comfortable providing recommendations at their own organizations.

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Digital Marketing Certificate

Modality: Online

Tuition: $2,250

Program Overview:
The UNF Certificate in Digital Marketing, offered in conjunction with Ziplines Education, provides students with a program taught by industry professionals. By incorporating real-world practitioners into the curriculum and delivery process, the program covers topics that are relevant and provides students with insight that is actionable in todays digital marketing landscape.

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Digital Marketing Undergraduate Certificate

Modality: Campus

Tuition: $211.98 per credit

Program Overview:
The University of West Florida’s Digital Marketing Undergraduate Certificate is created for students who might not be ready to pursue a full undergraduate degree, but still want a foundational understanding of digital marketing. The program focuses on how the application of digital media is relevant for different industries, including hospitality, entrepreneurship, business and more.

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Digital Marketing Degree in Other States






New York